George MacDonald is Great!

George MacDonald is great. He writes beautifully. Don't tamper with George. That's the gist of some feedback I've received since publishing my adapted version of The Carasoyn on November 12, 2022

I can't disagree. George MacDonald is great. He does write beautiful prose. So pardon my excuse, but adapting any literary work to accommodate illustrations almost certainly requires some alteration of the original narrative to fit it with illustrations using whatever format the publisher might choose. For that format will almost certainly be different than that used in a literary work’s original incarnation many decades ago.

That said, I'll admit I am dodging the intent of the criticism I have received. I did change some of the original narrative and replaced it with some of my own for selfish reasons apart from formatting issues. To this I plead guilty. Please accept my apology.

To read the original version of The Carasoyn, I have just provided you with a link.

PS — stop back soon for free PDF and EPUB files of the illustrated version of The Carasoyn. The illustrations by Marc Johnson-Pencook are fantastic!