Here are a few of the illustrations from the books offered on this site. All of them were created by master pen & ink illustrator Marc Johnson-Pencook.
Poe Illustrated - Thou Art the Man
Hawthorne Illustrated - Feathertop
Twain Illustrated - Carnival of Crime
Hawthorne Illustrated - Feathertop
Poe Illustrated - Hop-Frog
Twain Illustrated - Carnival of Crime
Hawthorne Illustrated - Mr. Higginbotham's Catastrophe
Twain Illustrated - Running for Governor
Twain Illustrated - Emerson, Holmes, and Longfellow
The Diaries of Eve and Adam
The Diaries of Eve and Adam
The Diaries of Eve and Adam
The Diaries of Eve and Adam
The Diaries of Eve and Adam