Be Silent, Be Still — Illustrations fit well with Literature

Be silent, be still is a meditative prescription. Meditators of all types in all eras have practiced and prescribed quieting the mind to attain serenity, wisdom, self-knowledge, and more. And now, in modern times, given the increasingly noisy and complex environment in which we live, meditation serves more and more as a survival technique. Be silent, be still certainly makes sense if you can get there, and meditative practitioners promise that you can if you try. For most of us, however, getting there provides quite a challenge. Could I buy a pass?

Where do illustrations in literature fit into all of this? Our modern world does not lack imagery. More distinct images fill a minute of some videos than a whole reel of film used to contain. Video games have largely replaced board games, and images of you, me and everybody everywhere are digitally captured to excess. So who needs images to supplement the peace one might find within the confines of cardboard covers? 

If you haven’t already heard enough from me in past blogs about this, here’s more on how illustrations fit into and enhance literature. The fact that book illustrations are stationary makes them an oasis on which to pause and ponder. As such, they become mediative in themselves. The melding of narrative with a scene described by illustration gives the reader’s mind rest. This comes along with a fresh perspective, both in stillness and in silence.

So ease your mind, rest assured, be silent, be still. — illustrations fit well with literature!