Twain Illustrated
Twain Illustrated: Three Stories by Mark Twain, is a collection of three classic Mark Twain stories, illustrated by Marc Johnson-Pencook. All three stories, Emerson, Holmes, and Longfellow, The Facts Concerning the Recent Carnival of Crime in Connecticut, and Running for Governor, show why Mark Twain is recognized as a master of wild, American humor. No doubt that Mark Twain is the greatest humorist ever. But unbelievably, when Twain teams with contemporary-classic illustrator Marc Johnson-Pencook, his humor grows more pointed and even wilder yet. For Marc displays his own brand of mastery depicting the outrageous scenes that shape each Twain story. Forty-nine of his pen & ink illustrations are interspersed throughout this collection, which is respectfully adapted and illustrated to capture and hold the attention of modern-day, middle-school readers. But these stories are not just for those youngsters! Modern-day adults love illustrated literature, too, especially when Mark Twain tells the stories that generate such wildly-imagined images. All readers will be pleased to discover that Mark the author and Marc the illustrator work perfectly well together, almost as if they share the same mind across the decades.