Poe Illustrated

Poe Illustrated, Three Stories by Edgar Allan Poe, collects three illustrated classic stories by Edgar Allan Poe: Thou Art the Man, Hop-Frog, and The System of Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether. Edgar Allan Poe, master of the macabre, inventor of the detective story, and a sower of sly humor throughout all of his works, remains hugely popular with readers the world over. He ably executes all the elements of his stories, and tells them with straightforward prose that plants delightful sound into the ears and minds of modern readers, young and old alike.
The stories in this collection feature Marc Johnson-Pencook's amazing pen & ink illustrations. His interpretations of scene and character do absolute justice to Poe's stories, which we lightly adapted and boldly illustrated to attract and entertain modern, middle-school readers. But modern adults love illustrated literature, too, especially the stories of Edgar Allan Poe! Though fate ordained they would live in far different times, separated by many decades in the physical world, Poe the author and Marc the illustrator were mystically united to collaborate in this venture that grabs and holds the attention of all those who are drawn to artists with fascinating imaginations. Poe, the artist of the word, and Johnson-Pencook, the artist of imagery, worked with each other as if they had been meeting just now in time and space—or communicating via seance? This collection might include three of Poe’s more obscure stories, but readers will never forget them when they have experienced them in this way.