Hawthorne Illustrated

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s stories are visually-rich. In Hawthorne Illustrated, master pen & ink illustrator Marc Johnson-Pencook interprets three of Hawthorne’s best stories: Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment, Mr. Higginbotham’s Catastrophe, and Feathertop. Marc’s illustrations, combined with adapter Jerome Tiller's lightly modified, modernized prose, will help middle school readers fully enjoy Hawthorne's brilliance as writer and story-teller. But these adapted classic stories are not only for middle school readers. They will also entertain all young adult readers and every reader who enjoys beautifully written classic stories with fine-art illustrations; namely, classic illustrated literature. Jerome Tiller chooses the best short-form literature – like these classic short stories by renowned author Nathaniel Hawthorne – then slightly simplifies the language and carefully adapts the stories to blend with Marc Johnson-Pencook's imaginative, fine art illustrations, first-rate artistic interpretations of scene and character that rival any illustrations rendered in the golden era of illustration. End result – illustrated classic literature that is thought-provoking, visually stimulating, and entertaining, tailored for a range of modern readers, from middle school to young adult to mid-life and beyond! In short, illustrated literature for one and for all!